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(Affiliated to CTEVT, Nepal)

Madhyamanchal Regional Engineering College

(Affiliated to CTEVT, Nepal)

About MREC

MREC is the first and foremost engineering college with TEN programs. Three programs of Diploma in Computer Engineering (DComE), Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) and Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (DEEE), Two programs of Pre-Diploma in Civil Engineering and Pre-Diploma in Electrical Engineering and Five Short Term Training Programs of Assistant Plumber, Electrical Appliance Repairer, Junior Building Electrician, Mobile Phone Repairer & Computer Operator at Janakpur. Within eleven years, it flourishes with new dimension and running successfully to attain its goals. The idea of founding this college was conceived in response to need for quality technical education in an enthusiastic, eminent engineers and professionals who are highly sensitive to the challenges and demands of tomorrow. MREC is a private technical institute affiliated to the government owned Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Nepal and hence its certificates are recognized in Nepal as well as abroad.

• Was established in Janakpur in 2008 AD.
• A full capacity of college teaches 512 (Diploma & Pre-Diploma) students every year.
• Welcomes more than 224 (Diploma & Pre-Diploma) new students each academic year.
• Has an excellent infrastructure and education environment.
• Has one of Nepal’s popular Sub Engineering and Sub Overseer College.
• Professional and experienced faculty members & highly motivated experienced   staffs.
• Affiliated to CTEVT Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal.

Message From MD

Dear Prospective Students,
In our regions, we have many general stream education institutes but very hardly find quality engineering institutes from a long time by this way we inspired to open Madhyamanchal Regional Engineering College (MREC).

MREC has been the technical academic heart to the region for over fourteen years(since 2008) and it takes challenges and responsibilities to produce high quality graduates who are the next generation of scholars, inventors, entrepreneurs and civic leaders.

The national / international market place today offers vast opportunities for electrical, electrical & electronics, civil and computer of business / industries of all sizes, as a result, there will be strong demand for Sub Engineer and Sub Overseer (Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Civil and Computer) with through knowledge and sound practical skills, MREC has delivered 3 years and 18 months full time education programs and 3 months short term training programs to impart practical training to students who wish to enter the exciting and highly rewarding world of electrical, electrical & electronics, civil and computer and also for those who wish to update their knowledge of the various field of engineering.

I welcome you to MREC and wish you the very best in your studies. I hope you enjoy your experiences here and take the opportunity that we offer to achieve academic excellence.

Sanjay Kumar Sah
Managing Director

Message From Principal

Madhyamanchal Regional Engineering College is thriving as a leading Technical Institution in Nepal under CTEVT. It is committed to provide quality education and learning environment equipping its graduates with required knowledge and skills to meet the global technical challenges.

The college has space for every section of the society and economically unprivileged students. Our main aim is to educate and train students to develop into real hands on technologist / technician who can meet the tomorrow’s global technological challenges of the enterprise economic.

I would like to call all the guardians, students, professionals and all associated individuals to have a faith in our efforts so that indigenous hand can be produced and they can easily get employment in their own surrounding as well as abroad.

Please do not hesitate to contact the college if you have any queries.

I am looking forward to welcoming you at the MREC.

   Er. Birendra Pd. Shah
   BE (Computer)
   Principal, MREC


MREC is first and foremost a technical learning institute committed to creating optimum learning environments and assisting students in an accelerated process of lifelong learning.


The mission of MREC is to provide quality liberal arts and career oriented programs at Diploma/Pre-Diploma in engineering level of different faculties.

MREC is a technical centre of excellence, providing an enterprising and stimulating environment in which students can learn and develop. MREC aims to inspire all students to realize their full potential to become professional and creative technicians / technologists within the enterprise economic.


MREC is dedicated to the following goals -
Student Success: Employment opportunities that require significant educational preparation.

Technical Education: All MREC students will have a solid foundation in technical education. It will provide a comprehensive base of liberal studies as the foundation for higher degree in any stream as well as offering professional, technical and occupational degrees.
Faculty and Staff Development: MREC will have the human resources to accomplish the goals of the institute by supporting a commitment to research to scholarly and creative activities that enhance instructional programs and teaching excellence.

What MREC Does ?

• It conducts coaching classes popularly known as Diploma/Pre-Diploma in Engineering    Entrance preparation class.
» To prepare for the exam in short period and in an efficient and comprehensive     way.
» To secure good marks with minimum effort.
• It provides information regarding Sub Engineering and Sub Overseer career.
» The scope of engineering faculties and their tentative marks demand.
» The opportunities of engineering study in Nepal and abroad.
» The schedule of examination and the exam formats.
» The criteria about the entrance policies to get admission.
• It takes a series of model exams for CTEVT and other institutions which makes    student familiar with the model questions similar to the entrance exam.
• It provides necessary reading materials for the preparation of the entrance    exam.

girl with laptop

About City Janakpur

• Has a population of around 671364.
• Has a tropical climate.
• Is a historical, cultural, and religious city.
• Is a capital of ancient Mithila Kingdom.
• Is half an hour flight from Kathmandu.
• Is a pilgrimage and religious tourist destination for millions.
• Birth place of Sita (a Hindu Goddess).
• Available all modern facilities.
• The holy Janaki Mandir and Ram Mandir are situated.
• Temperatures an average of 35ْ c in summer and 10 ْc in winter.
• Economic cost of living.
• City of pounds and temples.